Rabu, 18 Juni 2008

Fun English Memory Games!

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Game 3


Crosswords are an excellent way to improve your vocabulary. They help you remember words that you have already learned, and can even help you learn new words.


Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.









Click here to play this game!


Game 2

Typing Test

How well can you type in English? This is a good way to improve your English. Here, you have to type as fast as possible. Well, that's not so difficult. The hard part is - you mustn't make mistakes! Let's see how you do! (By the way, professional typists can type at speeds of 70 words a minute, with no mistakes!)

  1. Choose your level.
  2. Press START!
  3. Type the text that appears in Box A into Box B.
  4. Press FINISH!

beginner intermediate advanced

Box A:

Box B:

Click here to play this game!


Game 1

How Old are You Really?

You certainly know how old you are in years. But how old are you in days, hours, minutes and seconds? To find out, just enter your date of birth:

(example: 1 November 1966)

You are days, hours and minutes old.

Senin, 16 Juni 2008

Study a Balance of the 4 Key Skills

1. How to learn LISTENING

  • Listen to the radio
    Don't always have a pen in hand. Sometimes it helps to just listen.

  • Watch English TV
    Children's programming is very useful for ESL learners.
    Choose programs that you would enjoy in your own language.
    Remember that much of what you hear on TV is slang.

  • Call Automated Answering Machine recordings
    You can find these numbers at the front of telephone books in many English-speaking countries. Before you dial, make sure that you are calling the free numbers.

  • Watch movies
    Choose ones with subtitles, or one from ESLNotes.com (provides useful notes on popular movies).

  • Use Internet listening resources
    Every day there are more and more places to listen to English online.

  • Useful Listening links:
    EnglishClub.com English Listening
    More listening tips

2. How to learn SPEAKING and pronunciation

  • Talk to yourself
    Talk about anything and everything. Do it in the privacy of your own home. If you can't do this at first, try reading out loud until you feel comfortable hearing your own voice in English.

  • Record your own voice
    This might feel very uncomfortable, but it will help you find your weak pronunciation points. Listen to yourself a few days later. Which sounds do you have difficulty hearing?

  • Use the telephone.

  • Participate in class

  • Learn common idioms

  • Understand the sounds that your language doesn't have
    For example, many languages don't have the "r" sound. These sounds require extra practice.

  • Recognize that teachers are trained to understand you
    When you get out into the real world, average people will have a more difficult time understanding you unless you practise speaking slowly and with proper pronunciation.

  • Practise minimal pairs

  • Study word and sentence stress

  • Practice tongue twisters

  • Useful Speaking links:
    EnglishClub.com English Speaking
    EnglishClub.com English Pronunciation
    Speaking tips
    More speaking tips

3. How to learn READING and vocabulary

  • Read something every day
    Children's books, simplified readers (Penguin), newspapers, magazines, Internet sites, novels, and much much more...

  • Read what interests you.
    Remember that you learn better when you are having fun.

  • Read at the appropriate level
    You want to learn new vocabulary, but you also want to understand what you are reading. If you are looking up every word, the reading is too difficult.

  • Review Who, What, Where, When, Why for each story you read
    You can do this for almost any type of reading. Who is it about? What happened? Why did it happen? Where did it take place? When did it take place? This is very useful when you have no comprehension questions to answer. You can write or speak your answers.

  • Always have an English-English dictionary nearby
    It is a bad habit to always rely on a translation dictionary or electronic dictionary.
    Think of your English-English dictionary as your life line.
    Use online dictionaries when you are using the Internet (keyword online dictionary).

  • Record vocabulary in a personal dictionary
    • Keep this notebook separate from other work
    • Record vocabulary in alphabetical order (an English address book works well because it has letters of the alphabet)
    • Record the part of speech (sometimes there is more than one)
    • Write a sample sentence for yourself (don't use the one from the dictionary)
    • Review your personal dictionary (especially new entries) every night before bed

  • Useful Reading links:
    EnglishClub.com English Reading
    EnglishClub.com English Vocabulary
    More reading tips

4. How to learn WRITING and spelling

  • Keep a diary/journal
    Don't always pay attention to grammar. Free-writing can be very useful. It can show you that writing is fun. Have fun with the language.

  • Write emails in English
    Stay in contact with teachers or other students.

  • Rewrite your local news in English
    This is another exercise that can be done on a daily basis. Remember that regular activities are the best ones.

  • Learn important spelling rules
    Remember, you won't always have a dictionary or a spell-checker handy, especially when you are writing a test. Even native English speakers need to review the spelling rules from time to time.

  • Learn commonly misspelled words

  • Learn common English errors

  • Get an ESL penpal

  • Useful Writing links:
    EnglishClub.com English Writing
    More writing tips

More TIPS for learning English

Don't be afraid of grammar

  • Grammar is for communication
    Sometimes students get obsessed with grammar. This is especially true for students who grew up with strict grammar schooling. Remember that you only study grammar in order to communicate. Practise with a few exercises, then write an essay or have a conversation and try to use your new tools.

  • Isolate your weak points
    Don't waste time on grammar exercises that you already understand just because they are easier for you. Concentrate on grammar that is difficult for you. If you are unsure of where your problems are, write a few short essays or paragraphs and ask a teacher to circle repeated errors. Then you can look up your problem and practise it.

  • Teach grammar points to a friend
    Find a friend who studies at a lower level than you. Teaching will force you to remember the rules and to understand them properly. Try preparing a worksheet for your friend.

    Useful Grammar links:
    EnglishClub.com English Grammar
    Gramar is your friend
    Grammar Safari

Improve your homework skills

  • Stay organized. Keep separate notebooks for exercises, writing, and vocabulary.
  • Use a pen that you love.
  • Study in short, regular periods.
  • Allow a short amount of time for review.
  • Study in a place where you feel happy and comfortable.
  • Don't allow distractions. Consider email, TV, and the telephone (unless in English) off limits while you are studying.
  • Have a drink and snack handy so that you don't have to get up.
  • If you study in pairs or groups, make an English-only rule.

Visit an English-Speaking Country

  • Take a language holiday.
  • Stay with a homestay family.
  • Learn from native English teachers.
  • Gain access to English culture.
  • Get a part-time job.
  • Volunteer.
  • Make native English friends.
  • Make friends with people from other countries.
  • Become more confident.
  • Hire a tutor.
  • Offer language lessons/swap in your own native tongue.

  • Useful links:
    Language Holidays
    English Schools Guide

Prepare for a standardized test such as TOEIC or TOEFL

  • Qualify for a better job in your country (TOEIC).
  • Get accepted to an American college or university (TOEFL).
  • Use guided-study text books.
  • Study a broad range of whole language.
  • Track your improvement easily (test scores).
  • Learn idiomatic language.
  • Learn business English (TOEIC).
  • Improve your vocabulary quickly.
  • Take classes and get access to many listening exercises.
  • Challenge yourself to improve your score.
  • Learn and practise proper essay format (TWE/NEW TOEFL).
  • Become a grammar expert.
  • Improve your general knowledge.

  • Useful links:
    ESL Exams
    TOEFL Tips and Practice
    TOEIC Tips and Practice
    Official Cambridge site
    Official TOEFL site
    Official TOEIC site

Fun with English Ideas

  • Have an English-only evening once a week. Cook in English (rewrite your recipe in English) or watch English movies.
  • Write an English love letter. (If your loved one doesn't understand English that's even better!)
  • Write English limericks. (These are excellent and simple for writing, pronunciation and rhythm practice.)
  • Rewrite fairytales, jokes or instructions in English.
  • Go out and pretend you don't understand your native language (try to get by in only English).
  • Go online and find the lyrics to your favourite English songs and sing along to them (use a search engine).
  • Learn the words to English national anthems. Sing along when you hear them on TV (sporting events).
  • Invent an English character for yourself (with job, family, etc). Write this person's biography.
  • Buy an English board game (like Monopoly or Scrabble).
  • Play cards in English.
  • Start up or join an English reading or conversation club.
  • Talk to yourself in English while you clean or do the dishes.
  • Go around the house and try to name everything in English (furniture, clothes etc). Look up words you don't know.

Taken from: http://www.englishclub.com/learn-english-how.htm

How to learn English?

How To Learn English

Tips and ideas on the best ways to learn English faster.

Tips for Beginners

  1. You are like a new baby
    Babies learn their language slowly.
    First they learn to listen.
    Then they learn to talk.
    Finally, they can read and write.
  2. Listen to English every day
    Listen to English radio.
    Watch English TV.
    Go to English movies.
    Use online lessons.
  3. Make an English/ESL friend
    Make up conversations.
    Practise dialogues.
    Use beginner textbooks.
  4. Read English stories
    Start with children's storybooks.
    Try ESL readers.
    Read advertisements, signs and labels.
    Try EnglishClub.com for Young Learners.
  5. Write down new words
    Start a vocabulary (new word) notebook.
    Write words in alphabetical order (A...B...C...).
    Make example sentences.
    Always use an English-English dictionary first.
  6. Keep an English diary
    Start with one sentence.
    How do you feel?
    How is the weather?
    What did you do today?
    Write another sentence tomorrow.
  7. Visit an English speaking country
    Learn English more quickly.
    Stay with an English family.
    Hear native speakers talk.
    Have a fun experience.

Study Tips

Some tips about learning English

What is the easy and best way to learn English?

Unfortunately there is no easy way to learn English. English can be difficult but there are ways to make learning more effective and enjoyable.

Enjoy learning English!

It is difficult to learn anything if we do not enjoy it. Therefore try to have fun with English and try to make it a challenge rather than a chore.

Become a member of an active language club!

Meeting regularly with other keen language students will give you a lot of practice time and many good experiences. Learners who belong to language clubs have a lot more opportunity to use their English in an interesting way. They can learn form other members of the club and can also help others to learn too. Did you know that learners who are involved in a conversation club generally improve faster than those who aren't? So, join a club today and get speaking!

Listen to the news or other programs in English

By listening to the news in English on the radio we not only get a lot of information but it's also a great way to hear the correct pronunciation and intonation patterns of the announcers. Listening to the radio can be difficult, but don't give up too easily. ‘Get into the Habit’ and keep listening regularly.

Read articles or books in English

If you choose this study tip, remember to choose an interesting topic! It's much harder to read something that doesn't interest you. Choosing a story or article about something you enjoy will make your reading more worthwhile, more fun and more effective.

Increase your vocabulary

You can do this by checking new words in a dictionary and writing them down with their meanings or in an example sentence. But don't just write them down and forget about them! Go back and look at those new words every few days and try to use them when you speak or write in English. Let's just recap on those study tips.

· Join a conversation club or a discussion group

· Listen to the news or other programs in English

· Read articles or books in English

· Increase your vocabulary

Be active!

To really learn a language, especially speaking and listening, you need to be an active participant. Don’t just be a bystanders or spectator. Get in there and go for it — full steam ahead!


Some students think that the faster they can talk English then the more fluent they are. Remember if people cannot understand you then you are not actually fluent.


Many students want to speak ‘Perfect English’. They will even try to speak English until they are perfect. Your English will never be perfect — even native speakers do not use perfect English, especially in day to day conversation and in other informal situations. Your Bahasa Indonesia is not always perfect either so why expect your English to be perfect?

Rabu, 11 Juni 2008

English Laliophobia ( Do you have this probem? )

English Laliophobia

Definition :

· Laliophobia is the irrational fear of speaking or of trying to speak. Unlike the fear of public speaking, glossophobia, lalophobics suffer from their condition to varying degrees.

· English Laiophobia is feeling afraid to speak English in public or among English students

The symptoms of Laliophobe :

· Breathlessness

· Excessive sweating,

· Nausea,

· Dry mouth,

· Feeling sick,

· Shaking,

· Heart palpitations,

· Inability to speak or think clearly,

· A fear of dying,

· Becoming mad or losing control.

The Causes of English Laliophobia :

1. Afraid to make a mistake

· Grammar & Structure

Grammar is rules for forming words and making sentences.

Structure is field of study in arranging and organizing sentences.

There are many rules in English that we have to learn. Some of them are rules for making good sentences with right tenses, rules for using sentences in a right time and many others. So if we don’t learn about grammar and structure, it can make us afraid to make mistakes in speaking English.

· Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the most important thing that we must have in speaking. If we have limit vocabularies, it means that the words that we want to speak are also limited. So it is very clear that we are afraid to speak English because we don’t have enough vocabularies.

· Pronunciation

Pronunciation is way in which a language or particular word or sound is spoken. As we know that the Indonesian pronunciation and English pronunciation are very different. If we don’t make ourselves accustomed to speak English everyday, it is impossible for us to pronounce the words in English correctly.

2. Not have self confidence in speaking ability

We fear to speak English when we realize that we have not a good ability to speak. Moreover when we are in condition that we have to speak English but we have to see somebody speak English fluently and correctly before our turn to speak, it can loose our self confident.

3. Unconducive environment

· English is not our mother language

As we know that the first language for Indonesian people is mother language, like Sundanese and Javanese. Our second language is Indonesian. English is our third language. So it is very natural if we fear to speak English because we don’t used to speak English.

· There is no one to speak with

Related to the first point, if we don’t make ourselves accustomed to speak English we will be difficult to find partner to speak English especially at home.

· Never get used to speak English in daily life

Using English as daily language in daily conversation is an easy way to make ourselves accustomed to speak English. And if we don’t do it, it can make us fear to speak English at campus even with our friends.

· Think that English is just a subject that we learn only in Campus

If we want to be able to speak English fluently and perfectly, we may not think that English is just a subject that we should learn it campus. Especially for English students like us, we learn English almost everyday. So don’t just learn it at campus but we have to apply it at home too. We can teach our family that unfamiliar with English with simple daily conversation.

Tips to Overcome English Laliophobe

1. Enrich vocabularies

· Reading a lot of English Book

We have to read a lot of book like English conversation book, short story, etc. Besides adding our vocabularies, reading English conversation book also can give us a lot of information about expressions in daily conversation.

· Watching a lot of movies without caption or translation

There are many advantages that we can get by doing that, like learning about pronunciation, adding our vocabularies, listening the intonation of the sound, moreover we are able to know how far we can understand each sentence that we heard.

· Listening English song

We can add our vocabularies by listening English song by taking a note the lyrics of the song.

2. Practice Makes Perfect

· Do the daily conversation in English

We can do it with our friends anywhere. We have try to tell about ourselves, sharing our problems, asking about lessons and many others.

· Try to exploit this speaking subject as an opportunity to speak English

We have to exploit this speaking subject as an opportunity to speak English. Although the main aim we are speaking just for getting good mark from our lecturer it can make ourselves feel comfortable to speak English. Sometimes we have to be forced to speaking English. By forcing we will be able to speak English.

· Join with the English Club

With joining the English club, at least we have a partner to speak English.

3. Increase self confidence

· Don’t be afraid to make mistakes

We have to think that mistake make us to be better. If you don’t know about grammar or pronunciation, don’t too pay attention about it. Say whatever you want to say. Because every mistake that we had made can make us more conscious to not make the same mistake again.

· Don’t be shy to speak English

Sometimes we fear to speak English because you think that we don’t have ability in speaking. And we are afraid if we speak English, people around us will consider that we pretend to be smart, we pretend to know about English, and even we pretend to be like a tourist. Whatever happening to us, I thing that we can do is just be ourselves. Say whatever we want to say, no matter what people say.

  • Believe in ourselves

We have to believe in ourselves that we can do it. We have to sure that we can speak English. We are English students, so we have more ability to speak English than others. No one can believe in us, believe in our capability except ourselves. So I am I, you are you, and we are we. Just be yourselves and try to do the best.

Kamis, 05 Juni 2008


Task 1

Read the text carefully!

Indonesia has a lot of forests. The forests are very numerous. They are in Sumatera, Java, kalimantan, Sulawesi, Papua and in some other islands. We can find a large number of plants and animals in their forests. Therefore, many foreigners make a study of our forests. They want to study about the Indonesian plants and animals.

Some of the animals are monkeys, tigers, elephants, wild bulls, bears, rhinoceroses, etc. these are wild animals. We can find them in some forests in our country. If we don’t want to go to the forests, we can see them in the zoo. Nowadays, the number of the wild animals becomes smaller because people like to hunt them down. Our government is very concerned about this matter, that’s why some animals are protected.

Animals that are protected by the government are the rhinoceroses, elephants, bulls, orangutan, sumateran tiger, comodos, peacocks, cendrawasihs, etc. our government built games reservation to product them. The government also constitutes hunting laws to reduce animal’s killings. We should help the government so that the animals will no be extinguished.

Task 2

Choose the correct answer!

1. Why do many foreigners make a study of our forests?

a. they love Indonesian forests

b. they want to stay in the forest

c. they are concerned about our forests

d. they want to study the Indonesia flora and fauna

2. Paragraph 2 tells us about ….

a. the flora and fauna in Indonesia

b. the wild reserve in Indonesia

c. the hunters of big games in java

d. the reason why the numbers of wildlife decreases

3. Indonesia has a large number of … with a lot of animals and plants in it.

a. islands c. number of areas

b. forested land d. number of rivers

4. “Nowadays the number of wild animals has become smaller”.

The underline words means ….

a. increased c. decreased

b. developed d. grown up

5. How many kinds of animals are protected by government?

a. 8 c. less than 8

b. more than 8 d. a few