Senin, 16 Juni 2008

Study Tips

Some tips about learning English

What is the easy and best way to learn English?

Unfortunately there is no easy way to learn English. English can be difficult but there are ways to make learning more effective and enjoyable.

Enjoy learning English!

It is difficult to learn anything if we do not enjoy it. Therefore try to have fun with English and try to make it a challenge rather than a chore.

Become a member of an active language club!

Meeting regularly with other keen language students will give you a lot of practice time and many good experiences. Learners who belong to language clubs have a lot more opportunity to use their English in an interesting way. They can learn form other members of the club and can also help others to learn too. Did you know that learners who are involved in a conversation club generally improve faster than those who aren't? So, join a club today and get speaking!

Listen to the news or other programs in English

By listening to the news in English on the radio we not only get a lot of information but it's also a great way to hear the correct pronunciation and intonation patterns of the announcers. Listening to the radio can be difficult, but don't give up too easily. ‘Get into the Habit’ and keep listening regularly.

Read articles or books in English

If you choose this study tip, remember to choose an interesting topic! It's much harder to read something that doesn't interest you. Choosing a story or article about something you enjoy will make your reading more worthwhile, more fun and more effective.

Increase your vocabulary

You can do this by checking new words in a dictionary and writing them down with their meanings or in an example sentence. But don't just write them down and forget about them! Go back and look at those new words every few days and try to use them when you speak or write in English. Let's just recap on those study tips.

· Join a conversation club or a discussion group

· Listen to the news or other programs in English

· Read articles or books in English

· Increase your vocabulary

Be active!

To really learn a language, especially speaking and listening, you need to be an active participant. Don’t just be a bystanders or spectator. Get in there and go for it — full steam ahead!


Some students think that the faster they can talk English then the more fluent they are. Remember if people cannot understand you then you are not actually fluent.


Many students want to speak ‘Perfect English’. They will even try to speak English until they are perfect. Your English will never be perfect — even native speakers do not use perfect English, especially in day to day conversation and in other informal situations. Your Bahasa Indonesia is not always perfect either so why expect your English to be perfect?

1 komentar:

dedeh's blog mengatakan...

well i think it is good tips to study english. but what do you propose when we are in a boredom? do have it?