Rabu, 11 Juni 2008

English Laliophobia ( Do you have this probem? )

English Laliophobia

Definition :

· Laliophobia is the irrational fear of speaking or of trying to speak. Unlike the fear of public speaking, glossophobia, lalophobics suffer from their condition to varying degrees.

· English Laiophobia is feeling afraid to speak English in public or among English students

The symptoms of Laliophobe :

· Breathlessness

· Excessive sweating,

· Nausea,

· Dry mouth,

· Feeling sick,

· Shaking,

· Heart palpitations,

· Inability to speak or think clearly,

· A fear of dying,

· Becoming mad or losing control.

The Causes of English Laliophobia :

1. Afraid to make a mistake

· Grammar & Structure

Grammar is rules for forming words and making sentences.

Structure is field of study in arranging and organizing sentences.

There are many rules in English that we have to learn. Some of them are rules for making good sentences with right tenses, rules for using sentences in a right time and many others. So if we don’t learn about grammar and structure, it can make us afraid to make mistakes in speaking English.

· Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the most important thing that we must have in speaking. If we have limit vocabularies, it means that the words that we want to speak are also limited. So it is very clear that we are afraid to speak English because we don’t have enough vocabularies.

· Pronunciation

Pronunciation is way in which a language or particular word or sound is spoken. As we know that the Indonesian pronunciation and English pronunciation are very different. If we don’t make ourselves accustomed to speak English everyday, it is impossible for us to pronounce the words in English correctly.

2. Not have self confidence in speaking ability

We fear to speak English when we realize that we have not a good ability to speak. Moreover when we are in condition that we have to speak English but we have to see somebody speak English fluently and correctly before our turn to speak, it can loose our self confident.

3. Unconducive environment

· English is not our mother language

As we know that the first language for Indonesian people is mother language, like Sundanese and Javanese. Our second language is Indonesian. English is our third language. So it is very natural if we fear to speak English because we don’t used to speak English.

· There is no one to speak with

Related to the first point, if we don’t make ourselves accustomed to speak English we will be difficult to find partner to speak English especially at home.

· Never get used to speak English in daily life

Using English as daily language in daily conversation is an easy way to make ourselves accustomed to speak English. And if we don’t do it, it can make us fear to speak English at campus even with our friends.

· Think that English is just a subject that we learn only in Campus

If we want to be able to speak English fluently and perfectly, we may not think that English is just a subject that we should learn it campus. Especially for English students like us, we learn English almost everyday. So don’t just learn it at campus but we have to apply it at home too. We can teach our family that unfamiliar with English with simple daily conversation.

Tips to Overcome English Laliophobe

1. Enrich vocabularies

· Reading a lot of English Book

We have to read a lot of book like English conversation book, short story, etc. Besides adding our vocabularies, reading English conversation book also can give us a lot of information about expressions in daily conversation.

· Watching a lot of movies without caption or translation

There are many advantages that we can get by doing that, like learning about pronunciation, adding our vocabularies, listening the intonation of the sound, moreover we are able to know how far we can understand each sentence that we heard.

· Listening English song

We can add our vocabularies by listening English song by taking a note the lyrics of the song.

2. Practice Makes Perfect

· Do the daily conversation in English

We can do it with our friends anywhere. We have try to tell about ourselves, sharing our problems, asking about lessons and many others.

· Try to exploit this speaking subject as an opportunity to speak English

We have to exploit this speaking subject as an opportunity to speak English. Although the main aim we are speaking just for getting good mark from our lecturer it can make ourselves feel comfortable to speak English. Sometimes we have to be forced to speaking English. By forcing we will be able to speak English.

· Join with the English Club

With joining the English club, at least we have a partner to speak English.

3. Increase self confidence

· Don’t be afraid to make mistakes

We have to think that mistake make us to be better. If you don’t know about grammar or pronunciation, don’t too pay attention about it. Say whatever you want to say. Because every mistake that we had made can make us more conscious to not make the same mistake again.

· Don’t be shy to speak English

Sometimes we fear to speak English because you think that we don’t have ability in speaking. And we are afraid if we speak English, people around us will consider that we pretend to be smart, we pretend to know about English, and even we pretend to be like a tourist. Whatever happening to us, I thing that we can do is just be ourselves. Say whatever we want to say, no matter what people say.

  • Believe in ourselves

We have to believe in ourselves that we can do it. We have to sure that we can speak English. We are English students, so we have more ability to speak English than others. No one can believe in us, believe in our capability except ourselves. So I am I, you are you, and we are we. Just be yourselves and try to do the best.

4 komentar:

Rifka's blog mengatakan...

i think those tips very helpful for the learners. sometime the learners afraid to speak in the classroom because they afraid if there mistake the pronunciations and grammar.
i believe those tips can give motivation for us to try speak English :)

Anonim mengatakan...

well, we know that public speaking can be a frightening thing, for me either. so this tips, can be a good encouragement for me to be better in speaking. well done, nika!!!

Nurasiah Hilmi mengatakan...

nika, your tutorblog is very complete and it is so interesting. We can get a lot of information by visiting your tutor blog. I like it. BTW, I need your opinion about how to increase self confidence?

art of word mengatakan...

Hello Nika, I think this material interesting to study by us as a teacher candidate that must encourage ourself so that we can transfer the knowledge to our pupil as well as we can do. I hope you can solve this problem if you get trouble with English Laliophobia.